An expose' of the big lie created by the communists in the United States.

(Added to this website on 7/12/09.)

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Most of the following information was taken from a book called The Shadow Warriors by Kenneth R. Timmerman, copyrighted in 2007, and a book by Iraqi General Georges Sada called Saddam's Secrets, copyrighted in 2006.   These books include an incredible amount of valuable information that has been suppressed by various agencies and the media.   The small fraction of this information that is provided here is nothing as compared to the rich education provided by reading both books in their entirety.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

John A. Shaw, the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, had the job of tracking down U.S. technology and military exports, which he had been doing on various positions in government for over 30 years.   When it was clear that the U.S. was going to be searching for Hussein's WMDs, Shaw set up an office that combined the technical capabilities of his own people with the investigative powers of the Inspector General.   [As this story unfolds, it becomes apparent why Shaw felt that this was necessary and why Donald Rumsfeldt preferred to have a means of gathering intelligence that was not connected with the CIA.   Nancy Pelosi was recently caught with another lie regarding her CIA briefings, but she was probably correct in part when she said that the CIA frequently lied to Congress.   She did not mention that the CIA might be "guilty" of failing to provide information to Congress.   There are two ways to look at this.   One is to think of failing to give Congress all of the correct information as unpatriotic - the other is to think of failing to provide Congress with all of the correct information as very patriotic - because there is always a leak when Congress gets the correct information.   Senator Feinstein is an excellect example of an in-place communist mole who leaks information to the enemy.]

One of Shaw's friends suggested that he hire "Stephen the Brit" who had been involved in the arms trade in the 1980s.   Shaw agreed and Stephen became his chief consultant, going to Syria and Jordan as the U.S. troop buildup against Hussein intensified.   Stephen subsequently developed a network of sources at the Iraqi border and elsewhere.   From Stephen, during the final weeks before the war, Shaw learned of convoys of eighteen-wheeler trucks packed with munitions and WMD equipment going northward from Iraq into Syria - and returning empty from Syria to Iraq.

  Later, in closed-door testimony before the House international relations committee subcommittee in the fall of 2003, Undersecretary of State John Bolton cited additional details on the WMD movement that indicated that the earlier reports were merely the tip of the iceberg.   Satellites overhead could not see the contents of the trucks.   Bolton's reports had been culled from numerous examples taken from human witnesses on the ground.   The reliability of a human source was questioned by "pro-Syrian elements" in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) who did not want to authenticate information that made the Syrian regime look bad.   In some cases, dissent came from the State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research.   Both agencies refused to allow Bolton to make more than passing mention of the reports in the public part of his testimony.

"There was a problem that went beyond one agency , one official, or one source.   There was a systematic effort inside the intelligence community to block the authentication of any information that made the Bush administration look good."   [Looking back with hindsight, it seems obvious that this was the result of communist moles in the bureaucracy being instructed by those looking forward to a time when the communist moles in the legislature could claim that "Bush lied, people died."]

When Bush was being demonized in the press, it looked as if Kerry was winning the election.   Shaw called two reporters he knew personally and offered to brief them on what his office had uncovered during its three-year investigation.   "The short answer to the question of where the WMDs went that Saddam bought from the Russians is Syria and Lebanon," he said, "They were moved by Russian Spetsnoz (special forces) units out of uniform, that were specifically sent to Iraq to move the weaponry and eradicate any evidence of its existence."

Shaw decribed in detail a Russian operation, apparently run "off the books", that involved "a whole series of military units" posing as civilian contractors and consultants."... "Their main job was to shed all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis.   The others were transportation units."   He believed they were responsible for hauling over 380 tons of explosives from al Qaqaa, the former Iraqi nuclear plant.

The Russian cleanup operation was entrusted to a combination of GRU (Russian military intelligence) and Spetsnoz troops, and to Russian military and civilian personnel in Iraq under the command of two experienced former Soviet generals, both of whom were retired and posing as civilian consultants.

Shaw suggested that it would be wise to pull up Gazete.ru, the Russian newspaper that had published photographs of the two generals receiving medals from the Iraqi defense minister in early March 2003.

Shaw was subsequently told by Dave Patterson, aide to Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, that "He didn't want to know about it."

A few days after the initial newspaper article appeared, the Pentagon released overhead imagery that appeared to support Shaw's claim, showing civilians loading barrels of explosives into a convoy of 10-ton trucks at a facility initially identified as al Qaqaa.

Shaw later told Timmerman the full story as Timmerman was preparing his book.   Shaw had been given names of dozens of Spetznoz officers who had helped evacuate the WMDs, as well as the names of their units and commanding officers.   The operation was organized by Yevgeny Primakov - a KGB general and former head of Russian intelligence, who had long-standing ties with Hussein.   In public, Primakov said he was trying to negotiate a solution to avoid war.   But his real job was to supervise the execution of secret documents, signed between Iraqi intelligence and the GRU, that provided for cleanup operations to be jointly conducted to evacuate WMDs and techical documents.   The Russians called it Sarandar which means "Emergency Exit".   [The details continue and one should read the book for the full picture to be understood.]

When Shaw tried to get his information into intelligence channels, he was told by the DIA that it was all "Iraqi disinformation".   The DIA then complained to Shaw's superiors that Shaw had been doing their job.   [Doing the job of a bureaucracy is a no-no according to those bureaucrats in charge of the bureaucracy - who want neither to be embarrassed for their inefficiency and corruption nor to be shown as communist moles should they happen to be such.]

The CIA appeared to be aggressively trying to discredit Shaw's chief source of information and Shaw himself.   The Pentagon preferred to take a hit from a hostile media rather than to follow through on hard intelligence.   Lt. General Thomas McInerney believed that the administration did not want the Russians, Chinese, and French to look bad when their cooperation was needed on the Iran nuclear problem (these countries had been selling WMD components and other weapons materials to the Iraqis).   [McInerney's theory does not make sense to me.   There is rivalry among bureaucratic organizations that do not want to be embarrassed for either their stupidity or their having been infiltrated by the enemy - Also, if the infiltrators are capable of stopping information that embarrasses their real employers, they will do so.]

General Georges Sada, an Assyrian Christian, had been the vice marshall of the Iraqi air force, and a trusted advisor to Hussein.   He was not killed as were many of Saddam's "yes men" for the following reasons: (1) he was not a threat to Saddam because his religion prevented him from joining the Baath political party and attempting to overthrow Hussein and (2) he gave good advice (based upon facts) in a carefully edited manner to prevent Hussein from becoming overly belligerent.   During the Gulf War as the bombing of Bagdad intensified, Hussein told him to execute the pilots that had been captured.   Sada refused and explained that this would be a violation of the rights of POWs under the Geneva Convention and that there would be adverse international consequences were the pilots to be killed.   Hussein agreed not to kill the pilots, but General Sada was later arrested by Hussein's Republican Guard and held prisoner under threat of death.   Much later, Sada was released and asked to advise Hussein once again (he was the only one Hussein could trust).   The following is from Sada's book.

In Iraq, the United Nations inspectors found and destroyed thousands of tons of artillery shells, rockets, and components for building chemical and biological weapons, along with raw materials for building WMDs.   Before the war, when U.N. inspectors were likely to find these items, Hussein had their production halted, but the scientists were made to keep their plans, formulae, and raw materials for their production.   The nuclear weapons were part of Hussein's plan, but the engineers and scientists had not been able to obtain all the necessary components for them.   On the other hand, the Iraqis were far along in developing biological and chemical weapons - and they had plenty of them.

Even if the U.N. inspectors had found part of those weapons, when the time was right, they would have been produced once more.   Eventually, the same was true of the nuclear weapons, although, some components had not yet arrived from other countries.   Hussein had arranged for nuclear scientists in China to produce nuclear arms for him, and as late as 1992 this program was continuing and at least $5,000,000 had changed hands - but no completed nuclear weapons had yet been produced.

The Iraqi engineers were good at manufacturing chemical weapons systems for artillery shells, rockets, missiles, and other ordnance.   By 2002, Hussein was convinced that the Americans were coming, but even then these weapons were being produced.   Eventually, Hussein realized that all of these weapons and their unfinished components had to be removed from Iraq.

General Sada still had contacts in the Iraqi air force that trusted him and what follows explains what happened to the WMDs according to General Sada and his contacts.   Bear in mind that Sada's contacts who witnessed the WMD removal were people who were there but did not know the "why" of the actions they witnesses.   Nor did they know precisely who was responsible for causing those actions.

Sada's definition of WMDs is "biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, or their components.   General Sada had seen these weapons numerous times and had witnessed their use.   Before and after 1991, chemical weapons were used agains Hussein's own people, and they were used during the Iran-Iraq war.   Before the Americans moved in, no one doubted that Hussein had WMDs.   Everyone in the international community knew Hussein had WMDs and was trying to buy more.   Even Nancy Pelosi, in 1998, stated: "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."   But what happened to the WMDs?  

According to General Sada, before the Americans came, "Saddam ordered our Iraqi weapons teams to hide them in places [where] no military commander or U.N. inspector would expect to find them.   So we hid them in schools, private homes, banks, business offices, and even on trucks where they were constantly moving from one end of the country to the other."

"On June 4, 2002, a three-mile long irrigation dam which had been drawing water from the Orontes River in the northwestern district of Zeyzoun, Syria, collapsed, inundating three small villages and destroying scores of homes... Many...were killed, and flood waters covered an area of forty square miles.   The Syrian president asked for help from Jordan and Iraq.   Saddam regarded the disaster as a gift, and began to use the relief effort.   He used one Boeing 747 jumbo jet, several Boeing 727s, and trucks to transfer WMDs from Iraq to Syria.   Eventually, there were 56 sorties of reconfigured civilian airliners.   Most of the shipments went to Syrian ordnance inspectors who promised to hold everything for as long as necessary.   Although there had been bad feelings between Syria and Iraq, this time they agreed with one another.   The operation was conducted like a business deal and everything was paid for in cash.   Saddam profited even though the moving expenses were high.

The trucks used were eighteen-wheelers disguised as commercial vehicles.   Even ambulances were used.   The bogus company name on the vehicles was "SES".   This "company" also smuggled former government officials out of Iraq, prior to and immediately after the U.S. invasion in March 2003.   This same "company" had previously organized the illegal sale of oil, natural gas, gasoline, sulfates, and other resources produced in Iraq - and brokered the sale of weapons and equipment to Saddam when Iraq was under sanctions.

On July 28, 2005, members of a congressional committee and the Bush administration were informed about some of this.

General Sada was critical of the way the Americans handled the occupation, but he was glad that Hussein had been stopped.   He never understood why the American press claimed that Bush had lied.   Sada knew how, when, and where the WMDs were smuggled our of Iraq and many of those involved in the operation.   He claims that Americans knew but that the information was withheld from the press.

Not all of the WMDs left Iraq, either due to time constraints or simply overlooking places where they were hidden.   Later, when evidences of the WMDs were found in Iraq by U.S. troops, the vast majority of the media did not publish the stories, deliberately allowing the public to believe the often-repeated lie from the communist Democrats that "Bush lied, people died."

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